General Assembly of the International Association of Building Physics
IABP General Assembly 27/08-2021
The General Assembly of the IABP was held in continuation of the Closing Session of the International Building Physics Conference 2021 at the physical Venue of the Technical University of Denmark’s Auditorium 82, Bygningstorvet, Building 116, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, and on Zoom.
Participants were people in the auditorium after the last IBPC 2021 session (some estimated 30 persons) and participants on Zoom (some estimated 20 persons).
1. IABP Status (mission and scope, structure, representation and current board members)
2. Proposed revision of IABP statutes
3. Nomination of new Board for Assembly Approval (voting is required)
4. Introduce next IABP Chair who can introduce future planned activities
5. Announcement of IBPC2024
6. Other announcements
The first three points of the agenda were chaired by IABP Chair 2018-21, Prof. Jianshun (Jensen) Zhang, Syracuse University.